Each tester tests Desktop apps, Client-Server applications, or Web applications in real-time, and may work on many applications in parallel with different projects. 

As previously said, testing is performed on many types of applications, and how we perform testing in various environments varies. 

Let us learn today in this tutorial to clear up any doubt and have a better grasp of each form of application testing, the goal of each application testing, the benefits and drawbacks, and so on.  

What Is Desktop Testing 

A desktop application is a software package that executes on a desktop pc, workstation, or laptop. Applications or software that are required are installed on a stand-alone system, and the installed software is only available to one user at a time. As a result, desktop application testing is often called stand-alone application testing. 

A few desktop applications are MS Office, Calculator, Adobe Acrobat Reader, etc. 

Types of Testing to perform 

Below listed are the different testing techniques to be performed for a web application: 

  • Usability Testing 
  • Functional Testing 
  • Load Testing (Back-end Testing) 
  • Performance Testing 
  • Security Testing 
  • Regression Testing 
  • Compatibility Testing (Software/Hardware) 

Pros and Cons 


  • Internet connection is not required. 
  • Quickly accessible. 
  • Due to high security these applications cannot be hacked or cracked. 


  • Limited to only one user at a time on a desktop. 
  • Data sharing is not possible. 
  • These applications need storage to install, so regular maintenance is required. 


What Is Client-Server Application Testing 

The Client-Server application is a combination of two systems: the Client and the Server. In this case, the client and server communicate via the computer network. 

Client-Server application testing involves the client making queries to the server for specific details, and the server returning with the requested data. This type of testing is also known as two-tier application testing. A few client-server applications are Email, Web Server, FTP, etc. 


  • The application is loaded on the server machine and each client machine gets the “.exe” file. 
  • To work on the client-server internet connectivity is necessary.  
  • Both the client and server-side machines have GUI. 

Types of Testing to Perform 

Below are the different testing techniques to be performed: 

  • GUI Testing (UI Testing) 
  • Functional Testing 
  • Manual Testing 
  • Configuration Testing 
  • Load Testing (Back-end Testing) 
  • Performance Testing 
  • Interoperability Testing 
  • Compatibility Testing (Software/Hardware) 

Pros and Cons 


  • At a central location all the data is stored, So data is protected easily, and access is provided to only authorized users. 
  • The client can access the data from anywhere. 


  • The server gets overloaded if multiple users send the same request on the server. 
  • If in any case server fails no client is able to send a request to the server. 
  • Setting up and maintaining the server is costly. 

What Is Web Application Testing 

An application that can be accessed on a browser through the internet is known as a web application. Testing performed on such applications is known as web application testing. Web apps use a URL in a browser to launch. Different browsers and operating systems are used to perform this testing. 

  • Browser sends the request to the web server 
  • The web server sends the same request to the database  
  • The database sends the response to the web server  
  • The web server redirects the same response to the browser. 

 Hence, this is also known as three-tier application testing. 

A few Web Applications are Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 


  • Internet connectivity is a must to work on the web. 
  • Web Applications have interactive GUI. 
  • No location constraints. 

Below are the different testing techniques to be performed: 

Types of Testing to Perform 

  • GUI Testing (UI Testing) 
  • Functional Testing 
  • Manual Testing 
  • Security Testing 
  • Exploratory Testing 
  • Load Testing (Back-end Testing) 
  • Performance Testing 
  • Interoperability Testing 
  • Browser Compatibility Testing 
  • Storage and data volume testing 

Pros and Cons 


  • Platform independency. 
  • User experience is enhanced  
  • All functionalities are checked if they are working fine. 
  • Ensure a high-quality web application as an end result. 
  • Multiple users at a time. 


  • Internet connectivity is a must. 
  • Dependency on Browser. 
  • If the server is down Applications can’t be accessed.


Almost every tester may also be participating in testing in one of the following categories: desktop application testing, client-server application testing, or web application testing. 

Keep in mind that, while these three environments differ, the core Quality Assurance and testing principles stay unchanged and pertain to all. 

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