The similarities and differences between two prominent testing methods known as TDD and ATDD are discussed in this article.

Test-Driven Development is abbreviated as TDD, and Acceptance Test-Driven Development is abbreviated as ATDD. For testing professionals, understanding how these two-testing methodology’s function is vital, and this piece will serve as a primer to get you started on your exploration of both. TDD versus ATDD will be clear to you.

What is Test-Driven Development (TDD)?

TDD is a system for producing software that follows the principals of Extreme Programming (XP), but it has evolved into its own software development technique.

Unit testing is done directly on the source code in TDD.

First, the tester creates an automated test case that outlines the intended function that the system should ideally do, but the test case is purposefully designed in such a way that the system cannot fulfil it in its current condition.

Second, the developer will make a list of the reasons why the system failed the test and create the code necessary to rework the system so that it can pass the second time around. The method is depicted in the diagram below.

The TDD process continues in this fashion, zigzagging between failure and success, with each iteration pushing the system to its limits and then assisting it in overcoming them through the feedback generated.

The TDD is a voluntary failed experiment, and it takes a lot of courage to wrap your head around this counter-intuitive method. However, once you do, you’ll be rewarded with a simple yet powerful strategy for overcoming fear of failure during testing while also boosting your work.

What is Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD)?

ATDD is a collaborative testing approach that requires all persons engaged in the development of new software (e.g., testers, developers, and users) to specify the acceptance criteria that the system must meet in the early phases of development as a team.

This step ensures that all of the project’s stakeholders are on the same page about the project’s key goals, particularly in terms of the functionality that the end-user can expect. Techniques like user personas and user stories can be quite useful during this phase of ATDD.

When the acceptance tests are ultimately run on the system, failures are reported, and developers refactor problematic components by writing the code required to pass the acceptance requirements on the next attempt.

This procedure is repeated iteratively until the final product is ready for deployment, usually at the conclusion of each sprint. This is seen in the diagram below.

ATDD gives the team a clearer picture of how the final product will work, letting everyone to stay focused on the big picture rather than getting buried in the details of individual lines of code.

In summary

You should now be able to distinguish between TDD and ATDD on a basic level. These two testing approaches are very similar, however ATDD incorporates acceptance testing in the process and emphasizes team participation more than TDD.

Both approaches are compatible with agile principles because they encourage the collecting of feedback in order to improve on previous mistakes. These strategies let you incrementally produce a more valuable final result when you modify the system and address the flaws you encountered in the previous try.

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