Assume you need to write a test plan document for your web application, mobile app, or other piece of software. You conduct an internet search for “example test plan document” and find various test plan samples.

You can see that a software test plan document is a guide book for the testing process by looking at the sample test plans. It is essential for a project’s testing procedure to be completed successfully. It contains all of the information needed to complete the testing tasks.

Introduction, objectives, scope, test items, features to be tested, and environmental demands are all elements of a software test plan document. There are various sample test plans available, each with its own set of sections.

Are you curious about the ten characteristics that any example test plan document must possess? It’s no problem! We go into them in depth here:


The project and the product being tested are introduced in the first paragraph of a software test plan document. In the introduction to your test plan, include the following information:

  • Explain the project’s background and give a quick description of the project.
  • The goal of the test plan document is to provide specifics on how the testing process will be carried out for a specific project.
  • The objectives and tasks for your testing can be found in this section.
  • The scope of testing is identified at a high level in this section of the test plan document. You may also need to specify some features that are not included in the scope.
  • Test Items: Make a list of the test items that will be tested, together with the release version and module information.
  • List the papers that will and can be referred to during the testing process in the references section of the test plan document.
Features to be tested

List the features and functions that you want to test in depth in this area of the test plan document.

These characteristics should be included in the testing scope that was established in the introductory section.

Define the references of requirement with the requirements ID for each feature to be tested so that the quality assurance team may refer to it. If necessary, describe any special considerations or information concerning the feature.

Features not to be tested

There may be some features or capabilities that aren’t obviously out of scope or that can’t be tested for whatever reason.

These features should be listed in the ‘Features not to be tested’ section of your software test plan document. Define why a given feature or functionality cannot be tested as well.

Item Pass/Fail Criteria

In the test plan document, define the success criteria for your tests. During the execution of the test cases, you may meet one of three scenarios: normal, suspension, or resume.

Take a look at the item pass/fail criteria from a sample web application test plan document:

  • Suspension Criteria: Any scenario that makes it difficult or impossible to continue testing, or that reduces the value of testing, necessitates the suspension of testing activities.
  • Resumption Criteria: Testing activities can resume once the problem that caused the suspension has been rectified.
  • Approval Criteria: An item will be marked ‘Pass’ if it matches the related test case’s ‘Expected Outcome.’

The test strategy is the foundation of the entire testing process. As a result, it is a key feature of any test plan document. The testing methodologies that will be used during the testing process are explicitly outlined in the test methodology.

Exploratory testing, functional testing, regression testing, user interface testing, component testing, integration testing, and penetration testing may all be part of your testing strategy.

Specify the tools and human resources needed to complete the testing task. The strategy should be presented in a way that allows for the identification of important testing tasks.

To properly identify the testing approach in your test plan, go to the ‘Features to be tested’ section.

Test deliverables

There is a deliverable at the end of every testing operation. In your test plan document, include a list of test deliverables. The test strategy document, test cases, problems report, and performance report are examples of test deliverables.

Environmental Needs

The software test plan document outlines the requirements for setting up a test environment. Your product may require both hardware and software.

Hardware Needs

Device specifications such as desktop computer, laptop, tablet PC, and smartphone may be required. A certain screen size, RAM requirement, or CPU speed can also be specified.

Furthermore, there may be some requirements regarding your online connection, such as whether the device should be connected through Wi-Fi or LAN, and what your Internet download and upload speeds should be.

You may also require additional hardware if you need to replicate the stress of multiple concurrent users.

Software Needs

The operating system parameters, such as Windows, Mac, Linux, or Android, are among the software requirements. There may be more information about the operating system’s version. If you’re testing a web application, you’ll need to provide a list of the browsers you’ll be using in your test plan.

To perform testing or set up the test environment, you may need to employ any tools or software.

Make a list of all essential software and ensure that you obtain it on time so that you can complete the testing process on time.


A test plan document serves as a roadmap for your testing procedure. The schedule attribute is critical since it establishes the timelines for your testing activities. Make sure that your schedule is in sync with the development schedule.

It’s important to remember that you can’t test a feature or module until it’s been developed. As a result, the quality assurance team becomes increasingly reliant on the development team. Your testing schedule will be severely disrupted if your development team falls behind schedule.

While the product is being produced, it is recommended that you isolate your testing operations and continue to complete your tasks. For example, before any object is ready for testing, you might get a business understanding and build test cases.

Risks and Contingencies

Risk is the uncertainty that comes with a future event that may or may not happen, as well as the possibility for loss. It is critical that as the project manager, you identify the risks in your test plan.

Schedule Risk

The successful completion of a project depends on meeting the established timelines.

It is critical to comprehend the factors that raise the possibility of risk occurrence before preparing your risk reduction approach.

Budget Risks

A project’s budget is a critical component. It has an impact on not only the success of your project, but also your connection with your client.

To avoid any negative consequences that could damage your reputation, it’s critical to keep track of and reduce any budget concerns.

The more precise your budget, the more effectively you can manage your project and stakeholders.

Operational Risks

Operational risks are related with the project’s day-to-day activities. Operational hazards can lead to faulty process implementation or a system failure.

Because operational activities are repeated, operational risks can be reduced by following the company’s standard processes on a regular basis.

The quality assurance team is critical to the overall enhancement of the software development process.

Technical Risks

Even if you have meticulously planned everything, technical dangers can still exist. When a technology is new, there is a higher possibility of technical dangers.

Test Plan Example

Here is a sample test plan that gives a list of items you should include in your test plan.

  • Introduction
  • Objectives & Tasks
  • Scope
  • Test Strategy


  1. Alpha Testing (Unit Testing)
  2. System & Integration Testing
  3. Performance & Stress Testing
  4. User Acceptance Testing
  5. Batch Testing
  6. Automated Regression Testing
  7. Beta Testing


  • Hardware Requirements
  • Environment Requirements
  • Test Schedule
  • Control Procedures
  • Features to Be Tested
  • Features Not to Be Tested
  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • Schedules
  • Dependencies
  • Risks/Assumptions
  • Tools
  • Approvals

Let’s take a brief look at what we’ve learned so far. We all know that a test plan document is essential for a project’s proper execution, tracking, and control of testing operations. It includes all of the information needed to guide the testing process.

The sections of a software test plan document are separated into sub-components. We took a close look at the top ten characteristics that any example test plan document should have.

The first section is an introduction that gives a quick overview of the project’s history, scope, testing goals, and references.

Then, along with success criteria, we define a list of features that should be tested and characteristics that should not be examined. This allows us to plan a detailed testing strategy for the features that need to be tested.

The test deliverables are the result of testing efforts.

In order to build up the test environment, we must also specify any special environmental requirements.

We identify roles and task schedules before moving on to resource and task planning.

Finally, we address the critical issue of risks and contingencies.

Remember to include the top 10 attributes in your test plan document the next time you create one. Share any other significant characteristics that should be included in a test strategy in the comments section below.

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