Mobile application testing is important to deliver high-quality mobile applications to the market. The real challenge is ensuring that the application developed works on Android & IOS. Testing mobile applications make it easier to check for bugs that cause applications to crash or UI issues etc. Most people think that desktop testing and mobile testing of an application are similar but they are quite different. In this article, we will uncover the difficulties and industries’ standard procedures to follow for mobile application testing.    

Mobile Application Testing Process 

Every mobile application is tested either manually or by automation. In this testing process, the application is tested for its desired functionality, usability, and consistency.  

Complexities in Mobile App Testing 

However, desktop & mobile app application testing have similitudes like usefulness, security, and start-to-finish testing, it is to be noticed that they aren’t similar. Desktop testing incorporates program similarity, service, security, start-to-finish testing, and so forth. At the same time, Mobile application testing incorporates variant level, operating system level, similarity, usefulness, UI, execution, application crash, security, organization, and so forth.  

Key Challenges in Mobile App Testing 

  • Change of undertaking applications is a significant test in worldwide associations, as the put-away time and cash to fabricate a similar application is high and doesn’t coordinate with the return for money invested. 
  • Security is generally a worry and keeps on tormenting the well-being of client information.
  • Every mobile operating system has different UI rules and recommendations. Guaranteeing that every mobile application is created as per the standards and regulations.
  • If we quickly try to meet the build release dates it puts pressure on the team to fix the bugs quickly of the application. Ensuring versatile applications are logically mindful is one of the difficulties.
  • Hurrying to meet form delivery dates presses groups to fix bugs in applications rapidly.
  • Network issues (like shifting data transfer capacities) request gigantic testing intricacies to guarantee that the application capabilities in different conditions are working at all rates.
  • Functionalities are working in one operating system variant work in one more rendition of a similar operating system as well.
  • Taking a look at the development and different arrangements of the mobile business, organizations began to enable their association’s development by embracing versatile applications. The total volume of versatile applications makes the whole cycle complex.

Automation Testing Tools 

Some of the popular mobile testing automation tools in the industry are: 

  • Appium 
  • Robotium 
  • MonkeyRunner 
  • UI Automator 
  • MonkeyTalk 
  • Testdroid 
  • Calabash 
  • Frank 
  • SeeTest 

First, you need to know the types of mobile applications. So let us get a quick overview of the types of the mobile application. 

Types of Mobile Applications 

To choose the mobile testing process we first must know what type of application is under testing. This helps the tester easily select the process for testing. The types of mobile applications are categorized into three different types:  


  1. Mobile web applications: Applications that are intended to open on a mobile web browser are known as mobile web applications. In the development industry, we must check mobile browser compatibility.

  2. Native applications: Applications that are intended to work on a specific device platform are known as native applications such as IOS, Android, Windows, etc.

  3. Hybrid applications: applications that once installed in the device are put into a native app shell. It allows the shell to connect to the capabilities the mobile platform provides through a browser embedded in the application.  These essentially are web applications.   


Factors to Consider for Testing Mobile Web Applications  

  1. The Mobile application built must be for a mobile browser.  
  2. It can be easily accessed or searched by entering the specific URL of the application in a mobile browser. 
  3. The User Interface of the application must be responsive and should fit the mobile browser. 
  4. User must not need to install or uninstall any application on the device.  
  5. There is no involvement in application updates or upgradation.  
  6. Users who use browser-based applications always expect faster and quick connectivity.  
  7. The Network speed and coverage for the browser application must be important test cases. 

Factors to Consider for Testing Mobile Native  

  1. Applications that are in-built software with the mobile device specifically are called Mobile Native applications. 
  2. These applications are designed when the manufacturer gives a prototype of that device before its launch. 
  3. Mobile Native applications do not include downloading.  
  4. No Installations/Uninstallations are required. 
  5. Mobile native applications Automatically upgrade. 
  6. Testing the prototype application is very complex.  
  7. They must deal with the very core data and functionality of the device. 
  8. The core database might get corrupted if anything goes wrong. 
  9. These in-built applications cannot be deleted/ uninstalled by the user.  
  10. Any application crashes can cause severe damage to ROM. 
  11. The only method to remove this application should be to flush the ROM and then upgrade it.  

Factors to Consider for Testing Mobile Hybrid Application 

  • The application ought to introduce on favored Android/IOS mobiles.
  • The application shouldn’t crash while utilizing it.
  • Application User Interface ought to show similarly on all gadgets.
  • Application security ought to consider.
  • Network speed and inclusion become significant.
  • The application ought to give the least functionalities even in the event of being disconnected.
  • Ought to consider both (Android and IOS) operating system levels like (Android 10, Pie, Oreo, Nougat, Marshmallow, Yukon, Trust, Fatsa, Emet, Bursa, and so on), as a couple of functionalities won’t work.


Today is basic and worth thinking about that the world has without a doubt become portable first with a remarkable expansion in the use of associated gadgets. Hence, it is important that all Mobile applications ought to stack rapidly, have a brilliant UI, be versatile, convey powerful convenience, and immaculate execution and consequently guarantee an extraordinary client experience. To accomplish this multitude of variables, the start-to-finish testing of versatile applications stay up to speed with mobile testing services by Mammoth-AI
It offers all mobile application tests in a cutting-edge lab that provides engineers with hundreds of different configurations on hundreds of different devices. 

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