Site Reliability Engineering

SRE instills stability and ultra-scalability in the production environment for continuous integration and continuous delivery of applications.

Upscale Operation Function with Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)

An ideal situation for software product development is that technical teams focus on developing new-age software products without having to worry about the operations part. This is where Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) makes it possible. SRE instills
stability and ultra-scalability in the production environment for continuous integration and continuous delivery of applications. SRE leverages data-backed operation management, coupled with hypothesis-driven practices and automation. The tricky part of implementing SRE is that its methods and technicalities vary depending on the organization, its IT configuration, and the existing toolset. A reliable SRE service provider will help you achieve your goals effectively.


Mammoth-AI SRE services, which are a fine blend of manual process and cognitive automation, create IT operations powered by
change management, predictive analytics, and quick failure recovery. We approach process automation in a phased manner with a
realistic outlook. Our SRE Architects gauge your existing maturity levels by studying your applications and infrastructure. Initial efforts
are geared towards process standardization. We then match your customers’ experience with service delivery by the following two
1. RED (Request Rate, Error Rate, Duration)
2. USE (Utilization, Saturation, Error Rate)

Our SRE Services include

Designing System Blueprints

A robust architecture design with CI/CD model and zero fault tolerant capabilities to facilitate auto-scaling, self-healing, and maximum system availability.

System Performance Assessment

End to end assessment of your infrastructure and application,
tools and platforms to optimize onboarding and/or offboarding
of customers, identify incident queues, plan resource elasticity, manage distributed systems, and standardize workloads.

System Monitoring

Leverage industry-leading tools and platforms to monitor the
health of IT infrastructure, applications, and servers, detect
issues in real-time, fix it, and generate a report automatically.

System Support

Migrate workloads to cloud, diagnose and fix issues, automate testing, and other manual tasks and work with technical teams to optimize and standardize routine tasks.

Mammoth-AI SRE services help you in

  • Creating a centralized management platform to drive automation across application and infrastructure
  • Fixing error budgets that complements your applications, transactions, and infrastructure
  • Implementing AI + automation for availability monitoring, risk detection, and real-time alert notification
  • Providing emergency support while maintaining operational runbooks
  • Filling the gap between Sys Admins and development team via CI/CD

Site Reliability Engineering