Security Services

Cyber security is an important or primary concern facing by any company Board of Directors and executives worldwide. We are inundated almost daily with accounts of major corporate data breaches and compromised networks. Recent high-profile attacks around the world affect the most sophisticated companies. It demonstrates how vulnerable it can be. In this highly challenging environment board members and executives are not surprisingly, unsure of how best to protect themselves.
  • Manage Security Services
  • Penetration Testing
  • Vulnerability Assessment
  • Complete Infrastructure Security Review

Managed Security Services

Security of a system or data can never be ignored. Everything, which is linked with confidential information of a company, has to be taken care of diligently. Hacker tools, bugs, network configurations and other all the threats related to security happen to change every other day contributing to make a set of information or the whole system vulnerable to be hacked. Mammoth-AI Managed Security Services are a full-fledged methodical approach to manage the security of an organization. Our company takes pride in the high level of services we are able to provide to our clients. Our goal is to provide total security to our clients in one way or the other. We perform these activities by designing a custom system, installing it, and then monitoring it by following up on every crucial stage. We also make sure that each and every detail is fully covered. The services which are provided by us can be either in house or outsourced to Mammoth-AI where we will take care of the client’s network and information system security. Our Managed Security Service include 24/7 monitoring and management of intrusion detection systems and firewalls, over-seeing patch management and upgrades, performing security assessments and security audits, and actively responding to emergencies. Suite of Managed Security Services and IT Solutions The breadth of Mammoth-AI’s Security Solutions Services includes:

Penetration Testing

The team of Mammoth-AI comprises of highly experienced consultants and ethical hackers to provide a complete and independent penetration testing service. We use unique and effective techniques of penetration where our experts determine how well the organization’s current security infrastructure protects the assets. We do this by trying to gain access of the network and information assets in the same way a hacker would but this is done to help an organization to secure their information and data.

Scope & Methodology:

Black Box Testing: In this type of testing, we don’t have any access to customer’s system. Customer is required to provide us with their IP address range and then it is up to our 21 technical skills to run our test. This is a classic form of penetration testing.

White Box Testing: In this type of testing, we get every information and access to customer’s IT network and systems. We, then thoroughly test the strength and effectiveness of security controls which are in place for IT infrastructure.
Gray Box Testing: This type of testing is hybrid of black and white testing; in which we test some of the customer’s IT controls like perimeter network and web services using the Black Box Testing Technique. In addition to that, we also apply White Box Testing for an extensive test of all the internal systems which are less prone than publicly accessed IT systems.

Vulnerability Assessment

Vulnerability Assessment of Mammoth-AI assesses the severity of weakness in an IT system / applications to know of any threats which might attack the whole system. There is a lot of chance of a data getting lost which not only is a problem for the businesses as well as for the customers. Our teams of threat experts make every effort to get the organization / individual posted on vulnerability, its exploitation details, and the level of risks. Mammoth-AI has created a methodology for establishing vulnerability risk to ensure consistency and transparency in our processes.
Our methodology of Vulnerability Assessment is based on how easy it is to exploit a system, the effect of the exploitation on your business and customers, the availability of exploit code, and other factors that impact a business.

Likelihood & Determination

To derive an overall likelihood rating, indicating the probability that a potential vulnerability may be exercised within the construct of the associated threat environment the following governing factors are considered:
1. Threat-source motivation and capability
2. Nature of the vulnerability (how easily it can be exploited).
3. Existence and effectiveness of current controls

Methodology and Work Scope

Our primary focus for the Vulnerability Assessment is to identify vulnerabilities that an active hostile human threat might exploit. Although our assessment identifies both technical and non-technical weaknesses (e.g. procedural deficiencies), it is also focused on an in-depth analysis of technical vulnerabilities:

1. Identifying and reporting network IT infrastructure security weaknesses
2. Providing the client information about the weakness
3. Helping to validate that the weakness is vulnerability the client wants to fix
4. Assisting in identifying measures to eliminate or mitigate the vulnerability, and validating that the vulnerability is eliminated or mitigated successfully


At Mammoth-AI, it is thought to be the commitment to comprehend the infrastructure of customer’s organization so any potential dangers and security ruptures can be identified before the event of any harm or information loss. Nitty gritty assessment of the organization’s security framework
is performed thus. The methodology created by the very experienced security personals are in consistence with the best procedures embraced in the industry.

The particularly customized hones are connected in different associations both large scale and small scale and it has been demonstrated that the specialists at Mammoth-AI Consulting are adroit experts who are fit for deciding the presentation of the organization, offer help for battling any security blemish and can create suitable relief strategies.


Infrastructure security services included in the wide range offered by Mammoth-AI are:
1. Assessment of Security Architecture: Detailed observing and reporting of the at present utilized security design
2. Scanning Vulnerabilities: Expert Analysis and Comprehensive Internal and External outputs against threats
3. Review of Device Configuration: Analyzing security configurations of devices and applying standards


1. Distinguishing proof and change in application issues and configuration of device imperiling the execution and security
2. Overhauling the Design of Security
3. Planning of adaptable security benefits with a specific end goal to ensure the data and information of associations
4. Analysis of defects in architecture design which are for the most part distinguished recently
5. Categorizing and ordering of risks in security design and fast settling those risks.

Security Services