Learning to lean into project success

There are no hard and fast guidelines that you can follow to ensure that any new project you start will be a success. IT products, in particular, have so many moving parts that it’s nearly hard for a single person to keep track of them all and affect their advancement.

Therefore, learning more about how to prevent, forecast, and limit the impact of errors in your actions is the greatest way to boost your chances of success in IT projects.

To some, this may appear to be quite pessimistic, but there is one rule that will always apply, regardless of the situation: Murphy’s Law: if something can go wrong, it very probably will.

4 ‘must-haves’ for any project leader or manager who wants to succeed
1. Having the Right Goals

In any project, getting clear on what you want to achieve is critical, but it cannot end there. After you’ve put out your objectives, go back to where you are now and map out all of the actions and decisions you believe you’ll need to make between now and then.

Benchmarks are a useful tool for predicting the outcome and the amount of effort that will be required at each stage. You should also enhance this information with negative brainstorming, which is imagining all the ways things could go wrong and devising ‘detours’ around them.

2. Having the Right Attitude

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to every IT project. Attitudes, on the other hand, are complex things that evolve from team members’ past experiences and expectations, as well as the dynamics inside the team and with external partners, as well as the quantity and quality of available resources.

Learning from other people’s errors is a simple and effective technique to increase your team’s awareness of upcoming issues. Case studies on other people can be used to identify strengths to emulate and shortcomings to avoid in your own team, as well as a good way to externalize conflict by discussing comparable difficulties affecting your team from an outsider’s perspective.

3. Having the Right Tools

When it comes to quality resources, many avoidable issues that jeopardize an IT project’s success can be traced back to the tools that the team is utilizing. Having to utilize many tools at the same time and pulling data from one place to another is a major pain, and most professions would prefer to have a single, unified platform that guides them through the project from start to finish.

4. Having the Right People

Finally, there’s no alternative for being surrounded by a group of highly motivated individuals who share your enthusiasm for the project. However, there will be instances when you’ll be thrust into a group of people who lack these characteristics.

In many of these situations, communication is the key to gaining people’s support. Open and unprejudiced communication lines, whether as a supervisor or a colleague, allow information to flow more freely throughout the group, allowing any warning signs to be picked up early and acted upon.


Like any other function in an organization, becoming a successful project leader or manager requires a well-defined set of skills and prerequisites. To effectively minimize the repercussions of failure and improve the odds of success, every individual responsible for the success of an IT project must have the four “must-haves” in place – the correct goals, attitudes, tools, and people.

The Mammoth-AI team would like to hear about your experience dealing with IT project challenges. What steps do you take to help increase your team’s chances of success, and how do you capture and use the lessons learned from other people’s mistakes?

For more info: https://www.qaaas.co.uk/testing-services/

Also Read: https://www.guru99.com/software-testing.html

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