Software engineers and developers are constantly under pressure to do tasks more quickly. However, where speed is required, it might have an impact on product quality. And no one benefits from lousy software.

What can you do to speed up your software release cycle? We’ve already looked at the various factors that can slow it down. We’ll get right to work by presenting the software release management process, covering a few pain areas, and diving into the tried-and-true strategies for getting high-quality software out faster.

What is software release management?

What factors do you consider while deciding between speed and quality? You don’t have to with careful software release control.

The process of optimizing every component of your software release cycle is known as software release management (from development and QA testing to deployment and tracking). You may get your process back on track by tracking the correct data and following software release management best practices.

What are the pain points for developers?

It is critical to move quickly. It is, of course. The sooner you can get the software to market, the more competitive you will be and the more profitable you will be. However, that amount of urgency can cause a number of issues for developers.

Internal pressure for quick releases

Let’s get one thing straight first. Regardless of what your superiors tell you, the purpose of a software release is never speeds. The highest emphasis is always quality. However, with unreasonable deadlines and absurd delivery cycles, it may not always feel that way.

It’s hardly surprising that goods can be riddled with faults while working in an environment where there’s a constant internal push for speedy releases. As a developer, you must accept the fact that the release cycle is shorter than you would want and use effective software release management procedures to reduce risk.

A lack of resources

Every team wishes for a limitless supply of QA resources, but that isn’t how development works. Instead, many businesses lack internal resources and cannot scale up fast when software release cycles arrive.

As a result, QA teams are frequently strained to their limits, slowing down the release process. The solution is simple: you just need additional testers. But where do you locate them so quickly when the typical recruitment procedure takes so long?

Sure, overtime can motivate your employees to work longer hours, but it doesn’t ensure you’ll get more done. Workaholics, in fact, frequently create more issues than they solve.

Inefficient processes

Waiting is waste in its simplest form, yet it is often the cause of bottlenecks and delays that slow down job progress owing to inefficient processes. The transition from staging to production is a typical example of where waiting can lead to waste.

A change in your method can solve the majority of your wait time difficulties. One of the easiest methods is to eliminate the need for a human approval procedure that may be verified through other means. However, you’ll have to strike a balance between human and automated operations.

3 tactics to speed up your software release cycles                      

1. Create a consistent release schedule

You may then establish and arrange a regular software release cycle once you have a clear understanding of the present condition of the process. Shorter release cycles with minor changes are generally simpler to keep to than lengthy cycles with major overhauls.

Consider the following when planning your schedule:

  • What are your objectives for the release?
  • What timelines are appropriate for your company?
  • What are your quality standards expectations?

Once you’ve decided on a release timetable, explain and document your plans. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and establishes a rhythm around which teams can organize. It helps your teams to discuss and document release issues on a regular basis, and it gives your stakeholders and consumers a timeframe.

2. Implement continuous testing

When testing occurs at only one point in the software release cycle, it is one of the most prevalent bottlenecks. The good news is that the solution is straightforward and comes in the form of continuous testing.

Every time you make a change to the code, you should run automated tests at regular intervals. This is known as continuous testing. The tests provide faster feedback, allowing you to detect and address errors more rapidly. Continuous testing, on the other hand, can only work in a constantly updated testing environment, therefore making it a habit to release smaller code modifications frequently to keep the wheels turning.

3. Balance manual and automated testing

Automated testing allows you to keep up with the constant stream of releases, as QA teams are expected to execute tests within shorter development cycles. Manual testing, on the other hand, is still a significant testing approach.

Manual testing is essential for grasping the user’s perspective and identifying flaws before the product is released to the public. Manual testers imitate and anticipate the activities of users in order to produce an enjoyable experience for them. As a result, you must strike the correct balance between manual and automated testing if you want to shorten your software release cycles while preserving quality.

4. The software release tug of war

When it comes to high-volume software releases, there will always be a tug of war between speed and quality. However, by implementing the proper processes and providing your teams with the resources they require, you can create an atmosphere in which you consistently release better software at a faster pace. At Global App Testing, we’ll help you strike the right mix between automated and manual testing. We provide automated manual testing through our On-Demand platform, allowing you to hire actual testers with real devices at any time. Start your 14-day free trial today, or contact one of our specialists with any questions.

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