To ensure more accuracy, mobile application testing should be performed on genuine mobile devices. The issue is that testing must take into account the wide diversity of devices available on the market.

With so many users all around the world, a smart gadget with correctly operating software is not only important, but also a requirement.

It’s critical to employ effective mobile application testing best practices while developing apps for mobile devices. There is a range of factors to consider for this undertaking.

What is mobile application testing?

“Mobile application testing is a process by which application software designed for portable mobile devices is verified for its functionality, usability, and consistency,” according to Wikipedia. Mobile app testing can be done manually or automatically.”

We’ll show you how to undertake mobile application testing in this article.

Device Selection

To ensure more accuracy, mobile testing should be performed on actual mobile devices. The issue here is that testing would necessitate a huge number of devices.

The selection of proper testing devices is a critical initial step. Prioritizing the most commonly used devices is an excellent place to start. You should also test on every major operating system (OS) as well as various screen resolution sizes.

Secondary aspects to consider are the device’s memory size, connection, and cross-platform compatibility.

Mobile Application Types

It’s also worth noting that the type of mobile application you’re testing alters the nature of your testing. Web, native, and hybrid applications are the three basic categories into which mobile applications might fall.

Online applications are web pages that are linked to a mobile app. Native apps are designed specifically for a given operating system (such as Android and iOS). Finally, hybrid apps are applications that combine the features of both online and native apps.

Testing Selection

You must plan your mobile application testing once you’ve selected your testing devices and the type of application you’ll be testing.

You must be aware of what you are testing. You must incorporate the application’s required features and functionality into your testing procedure. To this purpose, mobile app developers have access to a variety of necessary testing methods.

Testing Types

Here are the different types of testing:

Documentation testing

The planning phase of the testing process is known as documentation testing. During this time, the development team examines all documents related to the mobile application and makes necessary changes if any flaws are discovered.

Functional testing

Functional testing is one of the more popular testing phases. This is where they test the application to make sure it works as it should.

Usability testing

Then there’s usability testing, which guarantees that the product is easy to use for customers.

Graphic user interface (GUI) testing, cross-platform compatibility testing, performance testing (which evaluates performance under varying loads and conditions), security testing, and other types of testing are also significant.

The type of testing necessary is determined by what you’re testing. While there are a variety of tests available, your testing will almost certainly include a mix of functional and usability testing. This will assist you in ensuring that your mobile application functions and behaves as intended.

Testing Methodology

After you’ve determined the scope of your testing, the next step is to devise a test technique. To put it another way, how do you intend to test your application? This is where you plan your mode of operation, including how you’ll run tests and how long they’ll take.

While real devices are the ideal approach to test application performance, emulators or simulators can also be used.

Test suites are a technique of ensuring that the software operates as intended when testing the apps. Manual test cases or automated testing scripts are used to accomplish this.

Automated testing can be used for repetitive operations and well-defined coding, such as background programming interfaces or scalability testing.

Manual testing is better for testing more complicated application interactions. Usability testing, for example, where manual testers are better equipped to provide qualitative answers on app design or localization testing, are two examples. The latter is most effective when native language speakers are used to assess cultural relevance and tone.

It may be required to outsource manual testing beyond your internal engineers due to scalability issues. If you go this route, make sure you use testers who are similar to the target market.

Testing Execution and Managing Defects

The following stage is to conduct your testing. The details necessary for test execution vary depending on the decisions made in the preceding steps.

After you’ve completed your test suites, you’ll need to employ project management software to keep track of everything. This can assist you in keeping track of and properly managing any issues discovered during the testing process.

At this level, defect prioritization is critical. Deferring low-impact functionality concerns until you’ve resolved higher-impact functionality issues is a good approach.

Problems with copy on the user interface, for example, are less serious than severe core functionality concerns. Fixing text problems is significantly less critical than preventing your application from crashing. Before publishing the software, you’d still have to fix minor flaws like these.

Reviewing Process

It’s a good idea to write a summary report of the mobile application testing procedure once you’ve finished. This makes it simple to review the key aspects of the testing procedure.

The devices and operating systems employed, the evaluation of test cases and found faults, and the number of successful tests is all important components. Finally, this assessment will determine whether the application has passed the testing process and is ready for release.

In a nutshell, there are a lot of things to keep track of. As a result, a constantly updated assessment review allows for consistent project management.


Mobile testing is mostly determined by the application being tested. You’ll need to create a process to ensure that you know which devices you’ll be testing and when you’ll be testing them.

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