The goals of the product and the value it provides to customers are described in the product vision. It has something to do with the problem that the product solves. A vision aids in the development of a product-oriented mindset, which improves clarity by generating a “product.” Every IT organization should have the concept of a “product.” Whether you’re managing a system or creating something entirely new, the vision enhances clarity. A clear vision can help identify and priorities requirements.

The vision outlines the high level of detail we hope to achieve with the product over time. It aids the team’s understanding of the large picture and serves as the foundation for a roadmap. The product owner is in charge of the vision. It is easier to see with the aid of a vision.

Everything is built on the same foundation, which is the vision. It becomes clearer what the long-term goal is. It’s easy to get caught up in short-term goals if you don’t have a vision (2–4-week sprints). The vision eliminates pointless debates. This is especially true when looking at initiatives with a high level of uncertainty. The significance of vision varies depending on the team. In small groups, having a clear vision is less necessary. The vision is crucial in larger teams or projects with several teams. The Product Owner is the person who represents the vision and communicates it to others.

It is extremely beneficial for the team and the product owner to collaborate on the vision. The increasing level of knowledge and agreement. The Product vision box, which I detail below, and the elevator pitch, which we’ll discuss in our upcoming blog post, are two standard strategies for developing and packaging the vision.

Product Vision Box

The structure promotes collaboration and discussion around a common purpose. Other stakeholders, such as sellers, and the development team. Colorful product packaging abounds in stores, indicating which items are new and improved. They describe how the items will help us become leaner, smarter, and more ecologically responsible as a result of our use of them. A good bundle is more likely to attract clients than a bad package. Different proposals on the boxes can be created in a workshop, but the end result is a joint product box.

  • Front: Product name, illustration, slogan and 3-4 sales pitch
  • Other pages: More detailed description
  • Time: 45 minutes + 5 minutes to present and sell the product

Shows at a high level what will most likely need to be developed in order to realize the goal. Allow adequate time in order to process everything. You must refine yourself. The level of detail in the vision is represented by the roadmap. Shows basically what’s required (functional requirements) to realize the goal. Aids the team in comprehending what will be included in future versions. Getting the groundwork done for the product backlog. The product owner owns it. As a product owner, you can utilize the roadmap to inspire and guide your team. It’s what you use to communicate with the people who make the decisions.


Epics are ideal for long-term feature implementation in the product backlog. An epic is subdivided into smaller, testable requirements. It’s commonly written as a verb + object, as in:

  • Buy ticket
  • Pay Invoice
Selecting and deselecting features

It’s critical that the product owner selects and deselects options. Tests, bugs, management, and releases are all caused by features that aren’t really necessary. Saying no is not risky. It will appear again if the requirement is important enough. Requirements are partially perishable; if you keep one for the future, it is very likely that it will become obsolete. If you don’t want to toss, but don’t have much time, you can save requirements wherever. Always ask yourself, “Why save everything?”

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