Keeping an eye on costs.


The majority of applications nowadays are hosted on cloud infrastructure. The cloud infrastructure could be public cloud resources, such as AWS/GCP/Azure, or computing resources, such as servers in data centers running cloud applications in the form of VMs and containers.

While the cloud has allowed our company to expand and our services to become more adaptable, it has come at a cost. There is a running cost associated with all allocated cloud resources, whether they are over-utilized or under-utilized. Organizations frequently confront difficulties in managing such costs and taking preventive responses.

One strategy to handle cost-related issues is to impose a fixed resource quota that restricts resource utilization. Another approach is to have a tool (cloud or on-premise) that reports on the identified “total cost” of the resources consumed on a regular basis.

Although resource quotas are a simple answer, this one-size-fits-all approach may not be ideal in many situations. Even while using a tool to identify costs for a resource works well, it cannot be expanded to different circumstances where you might want to take a proactive approach, such as defining a condition and then taking action to either report or fix it if the defined condition is satisfied. Similarly to low-code, closed-loop automation.

The Nirmata DevSecOps Platform was created to address all of these issues. It’s an open and simple-to-use platform for deploying, operating and optimizing Kubernetes workloads on any infrastructure, with self-service, responsibility separation, and security and governance controls. In this post, we’ll utilize Kyverno as a policy engine that takes action, such as alerting, whenever the cost of a Kubernetes workload is more than the assigned value, as provided by kubecost.


Kubecost gives Kubernetes teams real-time cost monitoring and insights, allowing them to continually cut their cloud expenditures. Kubecost tackles the following issues.

Cost Allocation – Costs for several Kubernetes resources, such as deployment, service, namespace label, and more, are broken down. Costs from many clusters can be viewed in one place or accessed through a single API call.

Unified Cost Monitoring – To get a complete view, combine Kubernetes costs with any external cloud services or infrastructure spending. For a comprehensive perspective of spend, external costs can be shared and then assigned to any Kubernetes concept.

Optimization Insights – Insights on which resources contribute to cost and how they could be optimized. Receive dynamic spending reduction advice without sacrificing performance. Improve resource efficiency and dependability by prioritizing essential infrastructure or application upgrades.

Alerts & Governance – Real-time notifications can help you catch cost overruns and infrastructure outages before they become a problem. Integrate with platforms like PagerDuty and Slack to maintain engineering workflows.

Kyverno Policy Engine

Kyverno is an open-source Kubernetes-native policy engine that can validate, alter, and produce any configuration data according to customized policies. It runs as an admission controller.

Kyverno was built from the ground up for Kubernetes, unlike other general-purpose policy systems that were retrofitted. Kyverno, like Kubernetes, uses a declarative management model. Kyverno policies are just Kubernetes resources that don’t require any programming knowledge. Kyverno assists in the security of the Kubernetes configuration by preventing misconfigurations and improving security.

Nirmata DevSecOps Platform

The Nirmata DevSecOps Platform (NDP) unifies the necessary technologies and processes, allowing businesses to use Kubernetes as their cloud-native operating system while maintaining clean workflow separation for operators, developers, and security teams.

The platform enables enterprise operations teams to provide developers with self-service safe environments, enabling DevOps agility. Kubecost is a certified Add-on on the Nirmata Kubernetes Platform.

Nirmata created the CNCF open-source project Kyverno and integrated it into its DevSecOps platform natively. The Kyverno policy engine is a strong tool for ensuring security and operational best practices are followed. The kubecost add-on will be deployed using NDP.


When the namespace surpasses the cost threshold, users can notify individual teams and take event-based action for the namespace. Kyverno provides various rules (Mutate, Validate, Generate) for taking actions on user-defined existing and new workloads, as well as creating new resources based on policy requirements (Generate).

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