In today’s blog post, I’ll go over the six most common issues that businesses face while implementing Agile on a larger scale. A lot of the theory presented in this article is based on Richard Durnall’s six adoption patterns, which he first mentioned in 2009.

I’ll wrap off the discussion by laying out the three main areas in which organizations can expect to devote a significant amount of time and resources before they can successfully transition to Agile.

Choosing to implement agile on a greater scale.

On the Mammoth-AI blog, we’ve already discussed agile, its benefits and potential problems, as well as how to successfully transition your firm from waterfall to agile.

Any organization, large or small, that is considering implementing agile practices needs an adoption plan that can guide teams through the process in a controlled manner.

When developing your agile adoption strategy, keep in mind the prior triumphs and failures of firms comparable to yours that have already adopted agile procedures. Taking care to mimic the techniques and behaviors that contribute to success while avoiding those that lead to failure is a sure-fire strategy for your firm to smoothly transition to agile.

Richard Durnall discovered that anytime a corporation attempts to implement agile approaches, the same six types of issues tend to crop up in a fairly predictable order. These six issues almost always arise, regardless of the industry in which it works, as well as the location, size, and culture of the organization.

Large, lumbering enterprises, who have a more conservative mindset than start-ups and a lot more money on the line, cannot afford to make a mistake in their agile shift. Knowing the six most prevalent agile adoption problem patterns allows leaders and managers to spot and fix problems as soon as they arise.

5 agile adoption problem patterns
#1 People Problems

The first sign that an agile transformation effort in a large organization has gone awry is that team members are becoming disillusioned with the concept. You’ll begin to hear a lot of moaning and complaints about how ‘the old system’ was simpler and easy to understand.

Ideas, like technology, tend to follow an adoption curve, with innovators and early adopters being the first to accept new work procedures, and the rest of the team objecting at first but eventually getting on board once they’ve gotten used to it.

Richard Durnall recommends adopting a model like the Dreyfus model of skill acquisition or other change management methodologies to guide team members through discrete phases of agile theory and practice proficiency to assist organizations deal with people issues.

#2 Tools Problems

Once the organization’s people are on board with the agile transition and team leaders begin to notice higher overall levels of performance, the existing development and testing tools and platforms are usually the next thing to break down.

Traditional tools are a problem, but so is a mindset that is still stuck in the waterfall approach. The tools your employees are utilizing are frequently the result of a waterfall mentality, so it’s time for the company to start stocking its toolbox with instruments designed particularly to support agile processes.

You’ll need tools that make modest iterations easier to collaborate on, ideally without breaking the bank.

#3 Governance Problems

As the team members adjust to the new structure, the team leaders and managers are becoming agitated.

These governance committees, which were once the most ardent advocates when the rest of the team was bumbling around, are now overwhelmed by the volume of fresh data flowing in as the team members gain more proficiency in agile methods.

Leaders must cognitively transition from one system to another and handle all of the information that comes their way if the organization has both agile and waterfall work processes running at the same time.

For firms who do not have the forethought to put up a model for aggregating information and having sufficient guidelines that indicate how to evaluate and respond to it efficiently, this may become a severe time and resource drain.

#4 Customer Problems

So, by this point, your team leaders and members should have cleaned up their act. The office is running well, and everyone is flying on a cloud of agile pleasure. The phone then starts to ring.

It’s a customer, and they won’t be able to attend a daily meeting with you for fifteen minutes. Customers are frequently left behind as your firm gain’s traction and the velocity of your operations increases.

But don’t blame them; they’ve dealt with waterfall enterprises for far too long to know any better.

It is also your responsibility to consider your business engagement plan and begin looking for ways to capitalize on your consumers’ interest or loyalty. You must provide compelling reasons for them to join you as dedicated partners in delivering projects in accordance with agile principles.

#5 Money Problems

The sixth problem pattern that has emerged has to do with money. When you start deviating from the usual cycle planning method, you’re likely to run into financial difficulties.

Agile allows your team to experiment and adapt, which normally necessitates a different financial arrangement, one in which you desire a steady stream of small amounts split across five or six different items that are market tested in parallel. As a result, you’ll need to adjust your cycle planning and product pipeline to match the new reality.

#6 Organizational Problems

Agile is typically implemented from the bottom up in a firm, and at the management and senior levels, individuals begin to underestimate how beneficial agile may be.

Eventually, the people who came up with the notion of teaching agile to their employees become the only ones in the organization who don’t use it. Organizations that deploy agile both vertically and horizontally often see the best return on investment.

Preparing readiness evaluations before beginning change activities is one way to visualize the issues that can develop while implementing agile to all levels of the organization. This procedure aids in identifying and anticipating any obstacles that the company may face.

#7 Assessing Your Organization’s Readiness for Agile

Prior to implementing a new method of working, forward-thinking firms conduct a readiness assessment to explain their strengths and emerging edges. This allows them to fine-tune their internal structures so that the organization becomes more efficient. Change-ready and able to easily move into the new administration.

According to Richard Durnall, readiness assessments should be organized around three primary areas: people, procedures, and technology. Each location will have its own set of inherent change obstacles, posing unique problems that must be overcome before adoption may be successful.


You’ll be in the greatest possible position to take your initial hesitant steps into agile before a full-scale implementation if you have a complete readiness assessment in your hands.

All of the information presented in this article should be simple to obtain. You’ll get a lot of insights into your present work processes and in-depth knowledge about your team members and customers as you analyze your organization’s agile readiness, which will help you create agile strategies specific to your organization’s needs.

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