What is Manual Testing? 

Manual testing will be trying of the product where tests are executed physically by a QA Examiner. Finding bugs in programming being worked on is performed. 

In Manual testing, the analyzer actually takes a look at every one of the fundamental highlights of the given application or programming. In this cycle, the product analyzers execute the experiments and create the test reports without the assistance of any computerization programming testing apparatuses. 

It is an old-style strategy for all testing types and helps track down bugs in programming frameworks. It is for the most part directed by an accomplished analyzer to achieve the product testing process. 

Manual Testing Pros and Cons 

Pros of Manual Testing: 

  • Get quick and exact visual input 
  • It is more affordable as you don’t have to spend your financial plan for the robotization instruments and interaction 
  • Human judgment and instinct generally benefit the manual component 
  • While testing a little change, a robotization test would require coding which could time-consume. While you could test physically on the fly. 


Cons of Manual Testing: 

  • Less solid testing strategy since it’s led by a human. Along these lines, it is dependably inclined to botches and blunders. 
  • The manual testing process can’t be recorded, so reusing the manual test is absurd. 
  • In this testing strategy, certain assignments are hard to perform physically which might demand an extra investment of the product testing stage 

What is Automation Testing? 

In Automation Testing, analyzers compose code/test contents to robotize test execution. Analyzers utilize fitting robotization apparatuses to foster the test scripts and approve the product. The objective is to finish test execution in less measure of time. 


Automation testing completely depends on the pre-prearranged test which runs consequently to contrast genuine outcome and normal outcomes. This assists the analyzer with deciding if an application proceeds true to form. 


Computerized testing permits you to execute redundant errands and relapse tests without the mediation of a manual analyzer. Despite the fact that all cycles are performed consequently, robotization requires manual work to make starting testing scripts. 

Automated Testing Pros and Cons 

Pros of automated testing: 

  • Automated testing assists you with finding more bugs in contrast with a human analyzer 
  • As the vast majority of the piece of the testing system is mechanized, you can have a quick and proficient interaction 
  • Automated cycle can be recorded. This permits you to reuse and execute similar sorts of testing tasks 
  • Automated testing is led utilizing programming apparatuses, so it works without tiring and weaknesses dissimilar to people in manual testing 
  • It can undoubtedly increment efficiency since it gives quick and precise testing result 
  • Computerized testing support different applications 
  • Testing inclusion can be expanded in view of robotization testing apparatus always remember to really take a look at even the littlest unit 

Cons of Automated Testing: 

  • Without human components, it’s hard to get an understanding of visual parts of your UI like tones, textual style, size differences or button sizes. 
  • The apparatuses to run robotization testing can be costly, which might expand the expense of the testing project. 
  • Mechanization testing device isn’t yet idiot-proof. Each computerization device has its constraints which diminishes the extent of robotization. 
  • Troubleshooting the test script is one more significant issue in mechanized testing. Test support is expensive. 


Key Difference: 

  • Manual Testing is done manually by a QA analyst (Human) whereas Automation Testing is done with the use of script, code, and automation tools (computer) by a tester. 
  • Manual Testing process is not accurate because of the possibility of human errors whereas the Automation process is reliable because it is code and script based. 
  • Manual Testing is a time-consuming process whereas Automation Testing is very fast. 
  • Manual Testing is possible without programming knowledge whereas Automation Testing is not possible without programming knowledge. 
  • Manual Testing allows random Testing whereas Automation Testing doesn’t allow random Testing. 




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