This article defines and introduces the seven basic Software Testing Principles that every Software tester and QA professional should be aware of. 

7 Principles of Software Testing 

  1. Testing shows the presence of defects 
  2. Exhaustive testing is not possible 
  3. Early testing 
  4. Defect clustering 
  5. Pesticide paradox 
  6. Testing is context dependent 
  7. Absence of errors fallacy 


You actually should accomplish ideal test results while directing programming testing without veering off from the objective. Yet, how you verify that you are following the right procedure for testing? For that, you want to adhere to some fundamental testing standards. Here are the normal seven testing rules that are generally rehearsed in the product business. 

To make it easier to understand, consider a scenario where you want to move your picture from one folder A to the other folder B. 

Despite the usual scenario, you can also test the following test condition 

  • Trying to move the picture when it is Open 
  • You do not have the security rights to paste the file in Folder B 
  • Folder B is on a shared drive and storage capacity is full. 
  • Folder B already has a file with the same name, in fact, the list is endless 
  • Or suppose you have 15 input fields to test, each having 5 possible values, the number of combinations to be tested would be 5^15 

If you somehow happened to test the whole potential combination project EXECUTION TIME and Expenses would rise dramatically. We want specific standards and techniques to advance the testing exertion. 

Following are the 7 Principles of software testing: 


1) Exhaustive testing is not possible 

Indeed! Thorough testing is beyond the realm of possibilities. All things being equal, we really want the ideal measure of testing in light of the gamble evaluation of the application. 

Also, the million-dollar question is, how would you decide on this gamble? 

To answer this, we should do an activity 

As you would see it, which activity is probably going to make your Working framework fall flat? 

I’m certain the majority of you would have speculated, Opening 10 different applications all simultaneously. 

So, assuming you were trying this Working framework, you would understand that imperfections are probably going to be found in performing various tasks action and should be tried completely which carries us to our next guideline Defect Clustering. 

2) Defect Clustering 

Defect Clustering which expresses that few modules contain the vast majority of the imperfections identified. This is the utilization of the Pareto Guideline to programming testing: roughly 80% of the issues are seen in 20% of the modules. 

By experience, you can distinguish such unsafe modules. In any case, this approach has its own concerns 

Assuming that similar tests are rehashed again and again, at last, similar experiments will never again track down new bugs. 

3) Pesticide Paradox 

Dull utilization of a similar pesticide blend to kill bugs during cultivating will over the long run lead to the bugs creating protection from the pesticide in this way incapable of pesticides on bugs. A similar applies to programming testing. Assuming that similar arrangements of dull tests are directed, the strategy will be futile for finding new deformities. 

To conquer this, the experiments should be routinely looked into and modified, adding new and different experiments to assist with tracking down additional imperfections. 

Analyzers can’t just rely upon existing test strategies. He should watch out constantly to work on the current strategies to make testing more successful. Be that as it may, even after this perspiration and difficult work in testing, you can never guarantee your item is sans a bug. To commute home to this point, how about we see this video of the public send-off of Windows 98 

Do you think an organization like MICROSOFT could never have tried its operating system completely and would take a chance with its standing just to see its operating system crashing during its public send-off? 

4) Testing shows the presence of defects 

Thus, that’s what testing guideline expresses – Testing discusses the presence of deformities and don’t discuss the shortfall of imperfections. for example, Programming Testing lessens the likelihood of unseen deformities staying in the product however regardless of whether no imperfections are found, it’s anything but proof of rightness. 

Be that as it may, imagine a scenario in which, you really buckle down, play it safe and make your product item close to 100% sans bugs. Furthermore, the product doesn’t address the issues and prerequisites of the clients. 

This leads us to our next guideline, which expresses that-Shortfall of Blunder. 

5) Absence of Error  

It is conceivable that a product that is close to 100% sans bugs is as yet unusable. This can be the situation assuming that the framework is tried completely for some unacceptable necessity. Programming testing isn’t simply tracking down deserts, yet additionally making sure that the product tends to the business needs. The shortfall of Mistakes is a Paradox for example Finding and fixing abandons doesn’t help on the off chance that the framework construct is unusable and doesn’t satisfy the client’s necessities and prerequisites. 

To tackle this issue, the following guideline of testing states that Early Testing. 

6) Early Testing 

Early Testing – Testing ought to begin as soon as conceivable in the Product Improvement Life Cycle. So that any imperfections in the prerequisites or configuration stage are caught in the beginning phases. Fixing a Deformity in the beginning phases of testing is a lot less expensive. Yet, how mid one ought to begin testing? It is suggested that you begin finding the bug the second the prerequisites are characterized. More on this guideline in a later preparation instructional exercise. 

7) Testing is context dependent 

Testing is setting subordinate which fundamentally implies that the manner in which you test a web-based business webpage will be not the same as the manner in which you test a business off-the-rack application. All the fostered programs are not indistinguishable. You could utilize an alternate methodology, strategies, procedures, and sorts of testing relying on the application type. For example, testing, any POS framework at a retail location will be unique in relation to testing an ATM machine. 

Experienced testers have internalized these principles to a level that they apply them even without thinking. Hence the myth that the principles are not used in practice is simply not true. 


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