Almost half of the population now has an Android or iOS phone with the processing capacity of a desktop computer. As a result, developers will be able to create increasingly sophisticated apps, which is why progressive web apps, or PWAs, are necessary.

A Progressive Web App (PWA) is a web application that works like a native app on a mobile platform but is distributed via the internet. PWAs can help you improve your app’s mobile web experience and take advantage of advancements made in the last four years.

PWAs have a number of advantages for both consumers and developers. Users can use your app without having to log in every time they want to use it once they’ve downloaded and installed it. PWAs also requires the least amount of RAM feasible, which can be a big plus for users, especially those who use a mobile network a lot, like truck drivers or outdoor leisure aficionados.

While there are commercial tools for creating PWAs, a free source is a clear leader in this field. The final message is that a mix of open-source and commercial cloud solutions can help you create successful PWAs.

Here are my top five open-source frameworks for creating your own PWAs, along with a description of which ones are appropriate for specific needs and degrees of experience. All of them have been used by my team at some point.


Webpack can produce module bundles on the client-side, which means that while your code is processed, your source files will be parsed and compiled on the server. It can also send the compiled bundles to the browser without further processing.

Webpack generates transpilers, which are additional modules that are included in the final PWA package. It takes advantage of Babel to translate code between languages. These modules take advantage of hardware-specific characteristics to make local code optimizations. They’re also in charge of Babel translations.

Babel works with both global and custom modules, which is especially handy for supporting custom languages. In many ways, Webpack is the industry standard for building Progressive Web Apps. The tool is simple to use and does exactly what it says on the tin: it allows you to create PWAs. Webpack is a great tool for building PWAs, and it’s perfect for midsized and large businesses. Smaller businesses may prefer to use AMP (discussed later in this article) instead of PWAs.


Ionic apps provide two significant advantages that make them the best approach to create a PWA. The first is that you have complete control over the code you’re working with. App developers typically only have limited control over a website. While the majority of control is out of the developer’s hands, there are some areas where you can exercise control, such as during deployment or page display. Progressive websites return some of that power to you.

The second advantage is that you have more control over the material. You may utilize Ionic’s UI components to add more features to a website when designing progressive websites. This allows you to create more immersive experiences by making the code more flexible.

Ionic is a strong framework that was a good choice when PWA solutions were still in their infancy. My teams are now finding Ionic integrated into different CMS solutions, and we are glad to use it. As a result, Angular remains our current pick as a replacement for Ionic.


PWABuilder makes it simple to convert an existing website to a Progressive Web App (PWA). At, you can see a working version of the open-source project.

Here are some of the most compelling reasons to utilize PWABuilder:

  • A simple and straightforward user interface
  • Development that is quick and simple
  • Pre-built fonts, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and UX simplify deployment.
  • The flexibility of an application combined with the strength of a content management system

PWABuilder is a fantastic tool for converting a website and displaying a “to be” PWA version of the original. This is appropriate for small and midsized sites with limited time and funds. Because many of the sites we construct are really huge, my teams don’t use them very often. Customers desire PWA solutions that are particular and can satisfy an immediate need, according to our experience. PWABuilder can feel like a Swiss Army Knife attempting to tackle all difficulties if your website is vast. Maintain a straightforward approach.


With websites that scale according to the demands of the device accessing them, responsive design has made developers’ lives considerably easier. Because not all websites can be designed in a rigid architectural approach, designing for certain devices is more difficult.

The concept of progressive enhancement is introduced by Angular. You may design websites that scale to different devices using Angular’s “directives” approach. This way, you can develop high-quality code that works on each device without having to change the HTML code significantly.

Another advantage of Angular is that it employs TypeScript, a JavaScript superset. To make development easier, TypeScript translates your JavaScript code into the languages you require. TypeScript is also a polyglot, which means it can work with other programming languages.

You get the best of both worlds by combining the built-in strong TypeScript compiler with the in-house real-time runtime. You can write JavaScript code with the TypeScript compiler, which means you’ll have access to the most up-to-date JavaScript APIs without having to understand the language’s subtleties.


Svelte’s strength is that it is simple to use. Svelte’s drag-and-drop interface makes it ideal for designers with no prior development skills. You’ll be up and running in no time.

Svelte, on the other hand, has a couple of drawbacks. The first is that it fits somewhere between starter tools like PWABuilder and advanced frameworks like Angular and Ionic as a tool. As a result, it’s a little unclear who Svelte’s target audience is.

A second issue is that adding complexity to Svelte-developed solutions is difficult. Other systems, such as Angular, provide a far richer set of functionalities, even if they require TypeScript knowledge to construct.

Svelte has shown to be effective in the creation of rapid prototypes for my team. We can demonstrate to a client what a prospective solution could appear and act like in a matter of hours. If the client is satisfied with the result, we can provide the Svelte-built solution. More often than not, the client will see what has been generated and then request more complexity. This is when we move from prototyping to creating a full-fledged PWA using tools like Ionic or Angular.

Accelerated Mobile Pages

What are the benefits of using Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your website? According to Google, the solution is straightforward. AMP provides “a quick and secure publishing experience” for developers, publishers, and publishers.

To swiftly load and render a website to a mobile device, AMP employs HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Publishers can quickly identify and test AMP-compatible technologies thanks to the AMP Store’s hundreds of free templates and themes.

Because AMP is open source, it may be used on a variety of websites, including blogs, forums, shopping carts, wikis, galleries, music sites, news sites, stock photography sites, online game sites, WordPress sites, and so on.

Many of the most popular open-source content management platforms, such as and Joomla, have adopted AMP, while others, such as Drupal, have third-party extensions that enable AMP. This opens up new opportunities for WordPress website owners: a whole new group of publishers and users will be able to access the same search and social network traffic.

How to decide

Consider what skillsets your team needs to create a PWA framework before determining which of these five technologies is appropriate for you. Unfortunately, these abilities are hard to come by, thus for many teams, the PWA tool you use will be determined by your team’s knowledge and the open-source community’s support. As a result, Angular and Ionic are attractive alternatives for larger, more experienced teams, but Webpack and PWABuilder are better choices for smaller, less experienced organizations.

Because of its reliance on TypeScript, Angular is a framework that is easier to modify than others. Angular also has a sizable support community. If you run into difficulty, there’s a strong possibility that someone else has as well and has posted about it.

At the end of the day, you need a website that can adjust to any screen size rapidly. If you look at your online logs, you might notice that smartphones with a screen size of 3.5 to 6 inches account for 75 percent to 80 percent of the traffic to your site. Tablet computers, as well as standard laptops, are likely to be used by your clients. Those users may get a less-than-optimal experience if you don’t use a PWA. Your consumers will be lot delighted if you develop your site as a PWA.

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