Be confident and expose your talent

Being a new tester has nothing to do with being a bad person.

Every seasoned professional or master in the area was once a novice. When we first started out, we were all brand new.

It is true, though, that when you are new, it is easy to feel inadequate. If such happens, I recommend that you instead concentrate on the following qualities that you should be proud of:

  • You are eager to discover new things.
  • You are a quick learner.
  • You have a fresh mind (which means you won’t have to unlearn anything)

Isn’t it cool? So, as a rookie software tester, be confident and proud of your accomplishments.

Learn the basics

The discipline of software testing is enormous and rapidly expanding. Every day, there are several new things to learn.

It’s easy for novice testers to become overwhelmed when they first start out. You become engrossed in the most up-to-date software testing procedures, terminologies, tools, and so on.

The point is, you shouldn’t try to run until you’ve learned to walk.

Start with the fundamentals to establish a solid foundation. After you’ve established a solid base, you can refine it as needed or master more advanced abilities.

Keep asking (smart) questions

It’s all about asking the proper questions when it comes to managing your software testing career.

  • You inquire about how a feature should or should not work.
  • You inquire as to why the feature is designed in this or that manner.
  • You want to know what will happen if you do this and then that.

You will identify more issues in the system under test by just asking smart questions rather than assessing the replies.

One of the quickest methods to learn something is to ask questions.

So, keep inquiring and learning.

Think critically reports:

“Everyone thinks; it’s in our nature.” But, left to its own devices, most of our thinking is biased, distorted, partial, misinformed, or simply prejudiced. However, the quality of our lives, as well as the quality of what we generate, make, or construct, is directly proportional to the quality of our thoughts. Poor thinking is expensive, both financially and in terms of enjoyment of life. Excellence in mind, on the other hand, must be nurtured in a systematic manner.”

While critical thinking is important for how well you do things, it is difficult to practice because it is far easier to correct others than it is to correct ourselves.

Here’s a little secret: I’m not very strong at critical thinking myself… I’m also studying and practicing it.

I understand that this appears to be a daunting task, but critical thinking is merely a skill. You’ll get it if you practice.

Start writing and build a blog

Blogging is one thing I wish I had begun doing 10 years ago when I first started my software testing profession.

There are numerous advantages to blogging:

You sharpen your writing skills

Is it necessary for me to emphasize the importance of writing skills in general and software testing in particular? Your communication will be more direct and successful if you have good writing skills.

You help yourself learn (and maybe others too)

You are creating your own library of information by blogging on a regular basis. When you need something, this will be a terrific resource. In many cases, this fantastic resource will also benefit others.

Even if you believe what you know is common knowledge, not everyone is aware of it, and your answer can benefit others as well.

Build your personal brand

People will see you as the authority when they need help if you can write a blog and share your knowledge about software testing on a regular basis.

Here are some blog topics to consider:

  • Start blogging about what you’re learning and how it’s going if you’re learning stuff.
  • If you have any abilities, such as creating test cases, writing bug reports, or designing test cases, you can start a blog to guide and assist others in doing so as well.
  • If you know of a good book, a website, or some ideas that will help you learn more effectively, you can write a blog post about it.
  • If you don’t know what to write about, establish a blog about it.

So, get started blogging today and you’ll soon see how useful it can be.

Keep your sense of humor

Are you aware of what engineers are known for?

That they are dreadful.

So, to make your life as an engineer less monotonous, keep your sense of humor ready at work.

Forbes reports that:

“At work, tasteful humor is essential, but chances are your coworkers aren’t cracking jokes or packaging information with wit on a regular basis–and your office could probably use a bit more fun.”

Finally, enjoy your journey

It will take a long time for you to reach the pinnacle of your software testing career. It’s not a sprint; it’s a long marathon.

You will grow exhausted and want to give up at times.

There will be times when you are at a fork in the road and are unsure of which way to take.

There will be instances when you believe you’ve made a mistake.

Whatever happens, whatever decisions you make, remember to appreciate your job as a software tester and to learn as much as you can about the field.

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