Usability testing is a type of user-centered interaction design that reveals how a person interacts with a system. This article will explain what usability testing is, when it should be done, and how it should be done.

What is Usability Testing?

Usability testing is a non-functional testing technique for determining how easy a product or service is to use. The purpose of usability testing is to identify any usability issues by collecting qualitative and quantitative data from representative users to gauge their happiness with the product.

This testing aids in gathering information from users in order to determine whether or not their expectations have been reached. It allows you to see if the user can readily perform the product’s functions. The reactions and feedback of a sample of users can be used to determine whether or not the product is on the correct track.

Usability testing reveals the parts of the product where the user has difficulty. It aids in the formulation of improvement suggestions. A successful usability test will lead to an improvement in the product’s design.

During usability testing, stakeholders and development team members observe, listen, gather data, and take notes. Because real users are used in the testing, it offers information on performance, mistake rate, and task completion. Developers and designers can use usability testing to create a solution that supports workflow and tasks.

When to do Usability Testing?

Usability testing can be done at various phases of development:

Prototype with low fidelity

A wireframe or mock-up of a product or website that enables for testing before production begins.

Prototype with high quality

An interactive system that includes representative data and simulates the end-user experience with the finished product.

Versions Alpha and Beta

These versions are available to remote participants in a usability test.

Version to be released

A product that is made available to customers and may be used to test the product’s workflow from start to finish.

A/B or comparative analysis

There are several versions of a design that can be used to compare performance and satisfaction.

How to conduct usability testing
  • Make a test strategy.
  • Make the test easier to complete.
  • Analyze the case information.
  • Make a practice report.
Making a test strategy

The first step is to establish a test plan that will assist you in conducting effective usability testing. The following are the steps to establishing a test plan:

Define the scope of the project

You must first pick which aspects of your product to test. Make a list of all the locations to test and limit yourself to no more than 12 areas.

Users should be recruited

The next crucial step is to find consumers who can provide you with usability feedback. Users should be chosen based on their demographics and psychographics. The cognitive background of the selected users is taken into account by psychographics, which determines whether or not they undertake the provided scenarios on a regular basis.

Each user persona should have a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 users. The 5 users per sector will provide you with sufficient information about user activity.

Determine your goals

You should have a clear idea of what you want the usability test to achieve. You should also have a clear idea of what you want to show your stakeholders.

Identify metrics

Metrics that assist you in making educated design decisions are required for a fact-based description of the performance. Time spent on a task, task performance, success rate, speed, expectation matching, and goal fulfilment are all essential measures. On the basis of your project, there could be a lot more metrics.

Make the test easier to complete

To make the test easier, you should do the following:

  • Inquire about your users’ ideas and feelings as they interact with the solution.
  • Regardless of whether they are structured or unstructured, take notes.
  • Make a recording of the meeting.
  • Allow the user to take the initiative.
  • Don’t jump to conclusions too soon into the meeting.
  • It’s critical to understand how your user views the solution.

The following are the results of usability testing:

Time spent on tasks, success and failure rates; effort (number of clicks, feeling of progress) are all examples of quantitative data.

Stress responses, subjective satisfaction, perceived effort or difficulty are all examples of qualitative data.

Analyze the case information

After you’ve completed the testing, you’ll need to assess the data and come to a conclusion. There will be patterns in your data; establish a list of all potential problems and remedies.

Make a practice report

Every time you conduct usability testing, you should write a report. The test report should be included in the testing documentation for your product. The following information should be included in the test report:

Explanation: A background summary of what you tested, the members of your testing team, the materials used, and a quick discussion of all your findings, as well as the session’s purpose.


This section discusses the sessions, the scenarios that were evaluated, the metrics you chose, and a brief summary of each user segment.

The results of the tests

Gather all of the test results for all of the metrics you’ve selected.


Make a list of everything you learned during the session, both good and bad.


Make suggestions for design enhancements.


User happiness is ensured through usability testing. The simplicity with which a product can be used is critical to its success. Usability testing is a method of designing and developing a product or service that puts the user first.

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