Graphical User Interface (GUI) is a type of user interface that is used to Testing, sometimes known as GUI testing, is the process of evaluating an application’s user interface. In this post, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of GUI testing, as well as how to perform it and its advantages.

Menus, checkboxes, buttons, colors, fonts, sizes, icons, content, and images are all part of a graphical user interface. GUI testing is used to assess the functioning and usability of design aspects for an application under test as if you were a user.

Why do you need GUI testing?

Modern programs are either mobile or cloud-based, and they extend beyond the desktop. As a result of customer demand, they must become more user-friendly. As a program is released to the market, the user interface and user experience play a critical part in its success. To ensure end-user happiness and ease, a GUI testing team pays great attention to every element in visual dynamics.

It tests the many aspects of the user interface, such as:

  • Visual Design
  • Functionality
  • Security
  • Compliance
  • Usability
  • Performance
Benefits of using GUI testing are:
  • It releases an error-free application software
  • It improves the software’s efficiency.
  • Enhances the quality of software
What we check in GUI Testing?

It thoroughly examines the user interface of the program being tested.

  • Visual elements’ size, location, height, and breadth are all being tested.
  • Verifying and testing whether or not the error messages are displayed
  • Different areas of the display screen were put to the test.
  • Carousel arrows are being tested for usefulness.
  • Examining the top-of-the-page navigation elements
  • Verifying the functionality of correct filters and the ability to get results by inspecting the message shown, its frequency, and its content.
  • Aligning radio buttons and drop-down menus
  • Verifying the validity of each section’s title
  • Checking the color and making sure they’re in accord with the theme
GUI Testing Approaches

There are three approaches to GUI testing:

Manual Testing

This approach involves human tester, where each screen is manually checked to validate each functionality by creating and executing test cases. It is a useful approach when part of UI or a feature is ready, the probability of defects is more at the initial stage, and human intervention is required.

It is convenient to use where the UI is unstable and go through a lot of changes. It is viable for quick checks which can be done at any moment. Moreover, manual testing requires expertise and skills to validate design elements which are not possible without a human tester.

Record and Replay Testing

GUI record and replay tools are used to test the user interface of apps. Testers utilize such technologies to launch an app and record the user’s interaction with it. A script is executed to track and preserve user actions, such as mouse movements, which can then be replayed numerous times to identify interface flaws.

Automated regression testing is also supported. It can be used to test across multiple browsers. It is a simple and lightweight testing solution. It doesn’t perform properly when there are a lot of iterations in the application’s GUI. Testing functionality requires recapturing and replaying test cases, and keeping track of their modified versions is a time-consuming process.

Model-based testing

A model is established in this form of GUI testing to understand and analyze the system’s behavior. This method can be used to create precise test cases based on system requirements. It is a method of testing that is systematic, detailed, and quantitative.

Model-based GUI testing has three important aspects:

  • Test scenarios generated by the model automatically
  • Test cases created manually from the model
  • Metrics for model and requirement coverage

There are technologies that can generate tests based on the model automatically.

Consider the following factors while conducting model-based testing:

  • Make the model.
  • Determine the information that will be used as system inputs.
  • Confirming the expected result
  • Carry out the tests
  • Actual vs. expected comparisons are checked and validated.
  • Continue to work on the model.

There are two approaches to generate GUI test cases:

Charts: The charts show the current condition of the system and can be used to check it after some input.

Tables of Decisions: This aids in determining the outcomes for each input.

Model-based testing is favored because it corresponds with requirements that identify even the worst possible states for a GUI.

An automated test case generator generates test cases that cover all of the possible paths from start to finish. The amount of test cases generated by the system is vast, and executing them takes a long time.

To reject all insufficient circumstances for test cases, you must implement a test case selection method. Because the set is too large and will take too much time, you’ll need a test case filter to choose the appropriate test cases.

One solution to the aforementioned challenge is to use a manual way to finish test cases. After the tester has personally shortlisted the test cases, the procedure can be connected with the automatic development of test scripts.

If we conclude that model-based testing makes GUI testing simple, then the answer is yes. Only when it’s part of a well-thought-out procedure that makes it simple to produce a test set by running dummy tests and test cases. However, it is not appropriate when a test set takes a long time to run. It is costly since it requires time and effort to develop a model, shortlist test cases using an algorithm, and generate test scripts.

How to write a GUI test plan?

The scope of the test project is defined by a test plan. It is necessary to construct a test plan before executing test cases in order to determine the scope of the project, the resources available, and the functionalities to be tested in the application. To begin testing, the entire team works on building test scenarios, test cases, and scripts.

How to create a GUI test scripts?

A test script is a template that specifies the standard of input/information needed to test the application’s graphical user interface. It contains the following items:

  • The Test Script ID is a number that uniquely identifies a test script.
  • It defines the Test Script, which is the component of the functionality that is being tested.
  • Test Case ID: This is a one-of-a-kind identifier that is used to link it to test cases.
  • Test Setup: Specifies the test environment’s needs.
  • Test Data: Data values that are used to verify the application’s usability and correctness.
  • A procedure is a set of steps that define the test’s instructions. The complete GUI testing procedure.
  • Assigning a risk level to the test case (priority/risk level) (critical, high, medium, low).
  • The whole information about the test case is described here.
  • Expected Result: It defines success as achieving the desired outcome.
  • The status of the test case is defined by this field.

GUI testing necessitates the creation of test scripts. Any technology that allows for customization of test script fields to meet business needs and demands has a significant advantage. Mammoth-AI is one such solution that allows you to customize test scripts, manage, and streamline test cases in order to increase application testing speed and quality. It complements agile methodologies and can be extremely beneficial to the entire team.


GUI testing is critical to the software’s successful release since it verifies the user experience. GUI testing aids in the development of high-quality, user-friendly software. In the end, you’ll have a higher level of user happiness and engagement.

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