Web apps are the emphasis of front-end software development frameworks, however, that is no longer the case. You could get by with merely online apps five years ago, but in today’s digital-first society, you need to develop software for all kinds of devices.

Mobile, desktop, and IoT apps can all benefit from front-end tools. However, you’ll also require a back-end framework to aid in the development of microservices and APIs.

A back-end framework’s purpose is to enable you to successfully accomplish server-driven tasks. Connecting to databases and supplying business logic are examples of what this can entail. Standard development languages, such as PHP, C#, and Java, now have widely supported frameworks, just like front-end frameworks.

A back-end framework’s purpose, like those of front-end frameworks, is to reduce the time it takes to construct an application. This article will teach you all you need to know about five prominent back-end programming frameworks.

1. Node.js

If you’re just getting started, I strongly advise you to start with Node.js. It’s extraordinarily light and quick, supports tremendous (yet predictable) concurrency, and has a large library ecosystem.

A strong reason to choose Node over your other options is speed. It’s faster than PHP and Ruby, and more than twice as fast as Java.

In addition, Node is more efficient, especially in terms of processor power. Only a few factors can help a high-end virtual private server attain excellent performance. When running a server with a lot of database connections or a lot of IO calls, it’s considerably more difficult to attain the same efficiency.

The user-friendliness of Node is another compelling argument to utilize it. Building a web project using Node involves almost no database connections or other sophisticated operations, making it much easier to manage a big list of build chores.

Node has a number of features that make it ideal for web development. It offers a wide and diversified collection of JavaScript modules, including database, authentication, storage, localization, and web sockets modules.

JavaScript code can also be distributed among different servers and providers using Node. Because it is based on a central server, if your app or site is located elsewhere and requires access to local APIs, you can simply link that server to Node and it will function.

This approach, however, can put a strain on the provider you’re utilizing (though this won’t be an issue for a smaller site or one that doesn’t use Amazon’s cloud). However, this is still a fantastic feature, especially for tiny businesses or websites that don’t require a lot of versatility.

Furthermore, the same Node module can be used on a variety of platforms, including Node.js on mobile devices, Java on Macs, and Python on Linux.

Although Node lacks a package manager, it does include a command-line interface that allows you to manage packages by downloading them directly from the Node Package Manager (npm) or requesting them from the npm registry.

This is a very versatile feature that can be applied to any third-party package you require, including libraries and other Node modules. You can also use a Docker container to deploy to many systems.

You can create a large number of apps with Node. From complicated web apps to specialized mobile apps, the broad library of plugins provides an almost limitless number of alternatives. Node.js is by far the most important tool in my developer toolkit.

2. Django

The benefit of Django is that you can construct a back end using the same front-end framework. With its underlying Django ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool, Django gives you a lot of power and capabilities for constructing your own back end.

The QuerySet class in Django allows you to design your own back end using SQL (or SQLite), but you can also do so asynchronously by writing a database query for a section of Python code and then running it later. The latter method allows you to use the database (even if the back end is Django) to produce SQL for all of your application’s back ends, which you can then execute in the runtime. That is the concept of back-end-as-a-service.

It’s not difficult to test your back-end code. Django can import the database schema of any application as-is into your project and output any query you desire. To construct tests for Django code, a developer doesn’t need to know anything about that schema. To run SQL commands, support files are provided to set up the necessary application-specific instance of your database schema.

You may frequently quickly deploy your application to a virtual computer with its own database; however, virtual machines are solely used for software testing. You can write a report from one code domain to another using a database with a test or debug logging level so that your application can tell you about system-specific behavior.

Django is the framework for perfectionists on a deadline, according to the Django website. However, the audience is largely skewed toward Python programmers. If Python isn’t your first language, Django isn’t for you.

3. Express.js

Developers can use Node.js alone or in combination with another runtime, such as Express.js. The Express.js server application will be run on a Node.js server in this example.

Node is a server runtime that you install to serve your code and assets at this point. You can alternatively host the Node server in a container like Docker.

So, when are you going to use Express in your web app? Express is best used in a Node web server. Here are a few examples of Node applications you might simply make with Express:

  • Angular 2 – Express + Angular 2 + MongoDB + MySQL
  • Rails – Express + Rails + Sinatra + MySQL
  • Rocking Rails – Express + Rails + Ruby + MongoDB + MySQL
  • Clojure – Express + Clojure + MongoDB + MySQL
  • JavaScript + Rails + Express (Babel) + Model

Express.js is a full-featured, high-performance web framework with a full-stack. Express.js may also be used to create high-quality front-end applications. It has a lot more to offer than other frameworks with a similar structure (such as Angular) and client-side frameworks (such as Angular 2).

Express is a framework for creating web apps. My teams have used it to create APIs, microservices, and modules, as well as the key frameworks required for app development.

4. Spring.js

Spring.js excels at integrating new technology into existing applications. Spring can assist you in extending the app in a simple and maintainable manner by doing so.

Injecting object instances and extending methods in your classes are two straightforward ways to implement this feature. This is beneficial because, in a well-designed application, those object instances or processes are just objects representing the state of the program. You may rapidly plugin classes representing user authentication, user interface, and other business logic to a Spring example application that can exist in a sandbox by constructing a Spring example application that can reside in a sandbox.

Spring.js is, in many ways, the tool on this list with the smallest development community. I’ve included it since it’s an excellent tool for creating proofs of concept (POCs) and experimenting with.

5. .NET Core

.NET Core is a cross-platform version of the.NET framework that can be used to create apps for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. .NET Core provides a lightweight, runtime single-page application framework as well as a platform for hosting side-by-side apps.

Whether to use.NET Core or ASP.NET Core is a prevalent question. ASP.NET Core is a web application and API framework that runs on servers, whereas.NET Core is a framework that runs locally on your device.

For the following use situations, the answer is that you could choose both:

  • Generators of static web pages: You’ll need a tool that can generate static web pages. This is provided by.NET Core, along with some corporate functions such as developing CRUD apps and displaying the page using Microsoft Event System and Microsoft Forms.
  • Scalability: ASP.NET Core allows for quick and direct scaling. With two web apps operating on a single machine, you may create an essential website.
  • Maintainability: Instead of utilizing DLLs, you can access these APIs directly from code, using.NET Core instead of Windows Runtime, and yet get the same service-level agreement as the.NET Framework.
  • Performance: .NET Core is a scalable and lightning-fast framework. It can generate complicated apps utilizing frameworks like ASP.NET and run them without the need for a server.

Now add the missing ingredient: Accelerators

Front-end and back-end development frameworks are simply two of the three components required for new development teams. The third element is what I refer to as accelerators. An accelerator is something that can help your delivery team work more efficiently. My top five are as follows:

  • Cloud services continue to make it easier for delivery teams to create apps that can scale up and down in response to changing consumer demand.
  • Open source: Companies like Microsoft and IBM are aggressively investing in open source (GitHub and Red Hat) to provide developers with the tools they need to build applications faster.
  • DevOps: DevOps is a natural continuation from agile, where teams provide continuous integration and delivery.
  • All solutions must be built on a solid foundation of security.
  • Mindset: Because the concept of a web application is still evolving, you must maintain an attitude of continual learning and experimenting.

Put it all together

The expectations on development teams aren’t only limited to the web. You must be able to deliver software that is scalable across all platforms used by your clients. The one-two-three punch of front end, back end, and accelerators will provide you with the competitive advantage you require.

Note: Each of the frameworks mentioned is popular because it has been tested on hundreds of millions of users’ websites and web apps. Netflix, The Wall Street Journal, and LinkedIn, for example, employ Node.js to run their websites.

For more info: https://www.qaaas.co.uk/testing-services/

Also Read: https://www.guru99.com/software-testing.html

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